


Our office operates as an administrative scrivener office and is not subject to the Specified Commercial Transactions Act. However, in implementing an online payment system, we have decided to provide a disclosure in line with the Act to ensure transparency regarding transaction details and fees, and to create an environment where customers can use our services with confidence.

The Specified Commercial Transactions Act is a law designed to protect consumer interests. Respecting its principles, we strive to offer services that are honest, transparent, and trustworthy. Please find the relevant information about our transactions below.




事務所名 行政書士トラスト事務所
代表者(運営統括責任者) 宇都宮 恵子
所在地 〒802-0004
電話番号 請求がありましたら、遅滞なく開示いたします。
メールアドレス info@trust-gyosei.com
ホームページURL https://www.trust-gyosei.com
販売価格 取扱業務の各ページに基本的な料金を記載しております。
商品代金以外の必要料金 郵送料、銀行振込手数料、官公署・公証人手数料、証紙・印紙代、出張等が発生した場合の実費
お支払い方法 ・クレジットカード(Visa、Mastercard、American Express 、JCB)
・Apple Pay
WeChat Pay(準備中)
お支払期限 業務の種類ごとに異なりますので、お見積り時にご案内させていただきます。
サービスの提供時期 お支払い確認後、速やかにサービス提供を開始します。
キャンセル・返金について 業務の性質上、契約後に着手している場合は、進行状況に応じて実費や報酬が発生いたします。そのため、進行状況に応じたキャンセル料をご負担いただく場合がございます。
動作環境 オンライン相談に必要な通信環境および機器はお客様にてご用意ください。

Disclosure in Accordance with Japan’s Consumer Protection Law
(This refers to the Specified Commercial Transactions Act, a Japanese law designed to protect consumers.)

Office Name Trust Administrative Scrivener Office
Representative (Responsible Person for Operation) Keiko Utsunomiya
Fukuoka Prefecture Administrative Scrivener Association Member No. 24084
Address 3F-1-1-1 Kaji-machi, Kokura Kita-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture 802-0004, Japan
Phone Number Available upon request; will be disclosed without delay. Please use email or the contact form for inquiries.
Email Address info@trust-gyosei.com
Website URL https://www.trust-gyosei.com
Sales Price Basic fees are listed on each service page.
For exact pricing, we will provide an estimate based on the customer’s situation and requirements.
Additional Fees Postage, bank transfer fees, public office and notary fees, certificate and stamp fees, travel expenses, and other actual costs may apply.
If paying by credit card, additional processing fees may apply.
*Please note that if you use an online payment method other than PayPal (such as credit cards or Alipay), a 4% fee will be added to the total amount as a transaction fee. Thank you for your understanding.
Payment Methods
  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB)
  • Apple Pay
  • Alipay
  • WeChat Pay(Under Preparation)
  • Bank Transfer
  • Cash
Payment Deadline The payment deadline varies by the type of service. Details will be provided at the time of the estimate.
Service Provision Timing Services will be promptly provided upon confirmation of payment.
Cancellation and Refund Policy Due to the nature of our services, actual costs and fees may be incurred based on the progress of the work once the contract has commenced. Therefore, a cancellation fee may be charged according to the progress of the work.
Please note that refunds are generally not available for online consultations.
System Requirements Customers are responsible for providing the necessary communication environment and devices for online consultations.


事务所名称 行政书士信任事务所
代表人(运营负责人) 宇都宫惠子
地址 日本福冈县北九州市小仓北区鍛冶町1丁目1-1-3F 802-0004
电话号码 如有需要,将立即提供。请使用电子邮件或联系表单进行咨询。
电子邮件地址 info@trust-gyosei.com
官网网址 https://www.trust-gyosei.com
销售价格 各项服务页面上列出了基本费用。具体费用将根据客户的情况和需求提供报价。
额外费用 邮费、银行转账手续费、政府部门和公证人费用、证书和印花税、差旅等实际费用。
  • 信用卡(Visa、Mastercard、American Express、JCB)
  • Apple Pay
  • Alipay
  • WeChat Pay(准备中)
  • 银行转账
  • 现金
支付期限 支付期限根据服务类型不同而有所不同,报价时将告知具体期限。
服务提供时间 确认付款后,将尽快开始提供服务。
取消与退款政策 由于业务性质,合同签订后如已开始办理,根据工作进展情况可能会产生实际费用和报酬。因此,可能需要根据工作进展情况支付取消费用。
系统环境 客户需自行准备进行在线咨询所需的通信环境和设备。